Wednesday, June 3, 2009

"work" log - june 2

This morning I brought a teabag from home, purchased from the cafe a 15-cent, medium-sized cup of water that was so hot it hurt to carry it from Building 5 to the bottom floor of Building 1, and made tea at my desk. Observation (only a couple hours later): room-temperature tea does not taste too good. Maybe I should bring my mug-warmer from home...?

Other notes from the day...

Discussed lunchtime with Matt by email and met the guys in the cafeteria. At lunch:
  • There was a general conclusion that no one knows their cube number. Dimitri doesn't know his extension number, which is fine, because he doesn't give it to anyone. Matt pointed out that the phone displays the extension number.
  • Upon encountering a picture in the paper, Jeff thought the entire Sri Lankan army was composed of some people in wheelchairs.
  • As a result, Dimitri led the discussion on the optimization we'd achieve by using fewer limbs on a daily basis, and how to best keep the extras in reserve.
  • Matt's iPhone game is going to have true-to-reality outer space sizes/distances.
Foosball news! I played my first foosball games in probably months. Matt has gotten all intense now and perfected his stance. I suppose I managed to play decently - Matt and I beat Jeff, who was, well, a little bit unhappy. :P Maybe someday this summer I will learn how to be useful playing defense.

Yuriy missed out on all of this... He was playing soccer, apparently. Good thing there are many days yet ahead in summer. :)


Rebecca said...

I can't believe they made you pay for hot water!!! That is absolutely ridiculous. It costs them MUCH less than 15¢ to heat!

Also, couldn't you just drink your tea faster? :-P Or you could bring an electric kettle to work and make your own hot water in whatever volume you desire.

You are actually making me sort of miss having a full time job! There is something very nice about having predictable weeks (instead of crazy airplanes and getting lost in new cities--ok, maybe I don't miss it THAT much).

<3 Miss you!! Hope you are having an awesome time.

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